ZeroToOne High Impact Leaders Fellowship 2019

Closing Date: September 15th 2019
Duration: 6 weeks

ZeroToOne Foundation calls for application for ZeroToOne High Impact Leaders Fellowship.

We are building a trybe of smart, savvy, and motivated doers, thinkers and problem solvers who are hungry to learn about employability, entrepreneurship, branding, thought leadership, technology and business.

This small, tight-knit team of young emerging leaders and superheroes will work hard to create solutions within their communities that will make a lasting impression in the diversity, innovation, and sustainable development space.

About ZeroToOne
High Impact Leaders Fellowship 2019

In this program we bring together a tight-knit team of superheroes who will learn and  work hard to build brands and provide solutions to the world’s most pressing problems to make a lasting impression in the diversity, innovation, Leadership and entrepreneurship space. 

Fellows will have access to opportunities for professional development through personal mentoring and resume development sessions, direct access to our global network, and sparkling professional recommendations (the kind that get people jobs!).

This fellowship program is a 6-week experiential learning program designed to identify and grow talented leaders, while giving them the opportunity to apply their skills, passions, and interests to provide solutions to the world’s most urgent needs with organizations  like:


There are many benefits to this fellowship, including exposure to diverse professional environments, professional development through personal mentoring and resume development sessions, and direct access to a global network. Below are a few additional things we think you’ll enjoy.

  • Hands-on learning and real-world experience
  • Super fun, casual work environment
  • Opportunity to grow professionally
  • Flexible hours and ability to work remotely
  • Possibility of obtaining school credit for your work
  • Opportunity to obtain stellar letters of recommendation
  • Access to global network of industry leaders and innovators


The ZeroToOne Fellowship is conducted as a merit-based open competition. After the deadline, all eligible applications will be reviewed. Following this review, chosen semifinalists will invited for an online interview

This Fellowship is fully online which means that participants must be able to demonstrate that they have good working internet.

Eligibility Criteria

1. Must be a Youth within the age of 16 to 35
2. Must be an Undergraduate or a recent Graduate
3. Must understand and speak English


Fellows are divided into two  functional areas or teams who work cross-functionally to execute projects. These teams are:

– Enterpreneurship 
– Employability

So kindly select the one you fit in when filling the application form below.